Dr Eric Asher
Dr Eric Asher. GMC reg 4377391 (GMC retired Dec 2022)
Eric has been an old-school family GP for 45 years and now, following GMC retirement, brings a wealth of experience to Aichill Medical. He was Medical Director at Third Space Medicine since 2021, working closely with Kevin, one of its principal co-founders.
He sees the patients as the key to the clinical problem they present and by means of careful history, clinical assessment and judicious investigations often finds a path to healing which may not accessible to current medical models.
Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Biopuncture (www.docasher.co.uk) are some of the tools Eric applies to assist the patient.
Eric says:
"There is no effect without a cause".
"The most powerful medical instrument is an open heart and an open mind".
**Please take note that Dr Eric Asher is a retired GMC Doctor and is no longer practicing as GP. He offers patients Homeopathy lifesyle and wellness consultations and is not able to personally write prescriptions or referral letters for patients.**
Price List
Initial Assessment
60 Minutes
Follow Up Appointment
15 Minutes
Follow Up Appointment
30 Minutes
Follow Up Appointments
45 Minutes
Lab testing
By Arrangement